I was clicking around in cool mom picks and saw a link to this great personalized jewelry site. I never was one for displaying my name on myself (a la Carrie Bradshaw and the Necklace that People Copied 'round the World) - but I've become slightly addicted to personalized pieces since having my daughter. I :love: her name (as I should, yes?) in both long and nickname forms. I do have to apologize in advance to my girly as I've found out that its one of those names. The one that people just say wrong. I blame it on my husband, he took advantage of the pain meds in the mothering unit hours after she was born and spelled it with two n's - nn- instead of my preference, n. Annika/Ani (pronounced "ahh nika" or "Ahh-knee" - not Ann-ika or Annie) I apologize because I too have one of those names. I'm called Kristina, Christian, Kristine, Kirstin and always have to clarify (mostly for email sake) that its "i", not "e". It's really not that big a deal. I've rolled with it for 34 years! I'm digressing... this was about Ani and the necklace I simply must have for my head!
circle of love
A beautiful sterling silver circle that measures about 1 1/4" across. It is handstamped with up to 40 letters/spaces and then polished.
Hung on a sterling silver ball chain.
*Please allow 2-3 weeks for your custom creation to be shipped.$38 thevintagepearl.com/