Friday, February 10, 2006

madonna watches the OC too!

Little Miss Vixen has a midlife crisis:

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sandbox Digs Things You Wont Find At Lowes

Who wants to look like everyone else?
These lamps are made from coctail umbrellas
"dipped in phosphorescent paint– they glow in the dark!"

Fun colors... lighten up!


Monday, February 06, 2006

See through Starving Artists

Who needs rose colored glasses when you can look through this swell pendant and smile.

starving artist

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Food, I definitely Dig food!

Discount Gift cards
$25 gift cards for only $10
Just plug in your zip code and wa-laa, a list of restaurants included.
Most have stipulations that you have to eat $xx amount, or so many dinner meals... but hey, it saves you $15 right there!